Strive Holistic Massage & Acupuncture Services
A traditional Chinese medicine practice that involves inserting thin needles into specific muscles, myofascial tissue or meridian points on the body to stimulate energy flow, or Qi, and help with muscular relief. The needles are inserted at strategic meridian points which correspond to specific organs when needed for certain treatment types. Acupuncture is used treat a plethora of concerns, from muscular pain, to menstrual pain, digestive issues and more. You might feel the needle “grab” the muscular tissue, but the needles to not hurt. Try Acupuncture in combination with massage therapy for profound, and long lasting relief.
Graston Therapy
Graston therapy is widely understood to be offered primarily by physiotherapists and chiropractors, but we proudly offer Graston Technique at Strive Holistic. Graston Technique is a myofascial based therapy utilizing stainless steel instruments to lift superficial adhesions and mobilize inflammatory cells within the layers of connective tissue by creating microtrauma to the underlying tissues with a light to moderate sweeping technique.
Often used in conjunction with cupping and active release as a wonderful complementary therapy to compound the benefits of your treatment, the additional blood flow achieved from this treatment is an amazing addition. Graston Technique is frequently utilized for post surgical scarring such as hip replacement surgery, or anywhere from one to twelve weeks after an ankle sprain.
The owner, Miranda, is currently the only practitioner offering this modality, so ensure to book in advance to experience the comprehensive benefits of Graston Therapy with active release!
Cupping Therapy
Cupping is a myofascial release based therapy using suction from cups that anchor to the skin and create blood flow to superficial and deep layers of connective tissue. We use plastic cups, but the industry utilizes materials of silicone or glass for different cupping experiences also. When the cups are placed, and tension is created, you could feel a small pull of the skin, or possible tingling to the local area of the epidermis, but this feeling starts to fade almost as soon as the cups are placed on the skin with tension. After approximately 3-5 minutes (and no more than a maximum of 10 minutes), the cups are removed, to offer a pleasant and gratifying rush of warmth and flexibility to those concentrated areas where the cups were placed. The results can often feel instant!
There are two primary techniques that are used within the cupping modality: Dynamic (i.e. sliding) cupping, and static cupping techniques can be performed to create variety in the experience and are both offered at Strive Holistic. We do not charge extra for cupping as we believe it is most beneficial when offered in the best interest of the patient’s results as needed, during treatment.
Our current therapists utilizing this technique are the owner, Miranda, as well as Bailey and Aspen (as of March 2024.) Ask your practitioner for more details about the benefits of cupping, or email Miranda at info@striveholistic.com!
Temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJD) is jaw tension that typically presents as clicking or pain when opening and/or closing the jaw. Common symptoms of TMJD are neck pain, headaches, and jaw pain or tension. A great way to treat this is through intra-oral massage treatments. Intra oral treatment is when a practitioner uses a latex glove to carefully treat muscular attachments that can only be accessed from inside the mouth.
Deep Tissue
A satisfying massage sometimes utilizing deeper pressure and accessing deeper tissues to give your body a healthy feeling of being unwound. Experience a deeper penetrating therapy at Strive Holistic with one of our several excellent practitioners who specialize in, and love providing deep tissue therapy.
Most new patients request deep tissue therapy; it is our most popularly requested service, with Thai massage right behind it. Therapeutic based massage is a satisfying and thorough technique that can utilize deeper pressure from the practitioner’s hands, forearms or elbows, and is for the purpose of accessing deeper tissues to give your body a healthy feeling of being unwound. Experience the deeper, penetrating therapy that your body has been craving.
We’ve frequently heard at this clinic that our treatments are one of the most satisfying treatments a patient has received when it comes to our deep tissue treatments and the long lasting relief that’s felt.
A deep tissue treatment can mean something different to everyone, based on previous experience. This is why the assessment portion of our massage treatments prior to, is an integral part of the massage therapy experience. One person’s “deep” pressure is another person’s “light” pressure. This is why we also don’t ask for what pressure you’d like to receive on our health intake forms to be kept on file. Someone’s perception of pressure depth can change from day to day, as well as be interpreted differently based on past experiences. In addition, you could want a different depth of pressure during treatment, as well as the needs of the tissue release during that treatment could call for a different massage technique. Our deep tissue treatments are all incredibly customized.
It will be up to the communication between patient and practitioner, if the pressure should be sustained where it’s at, or if more or less pressure needs to be applied.
We check on all new patients within 48 hours of receiving treatment, to discuss any feedback or check on patient results.
Thai Massage
A fully clothed yogic stretch based therapy best performed on a firm yet comfortable floor mat. A mix of compressive, joint mobility and stretch techniques. The practitioner uses a mixture of techniques including passive movement of your body by folding, twisting, tractioning and stretching your body in a safe manner. Leave your Thai massage treatment feeling flexible, lighter, mobile, lengthened and deeply relaxed.
Thai massage is often interpreted as being primarily stretching; and while this is a large component, Thai massage contains a healthy mixture of practitioner initiated movement, range of motion, mobility, compression, as well as stretch techniques.
Prepare for your Thai massage with a comfortable shirt and shorts, sweatpants or yoga pants. A fully clothed yogic stretch based therapy is performed on our thick and firm, yet comfortable authentic Thai mat, positioned on the floor with comfortable pillows to prop and support the patient in positions that maximize the benefits of each pose. Experience a unique mix of compressive, joint mobility and stretch techniques that can vary from one treatment to the next. The practitioner uses a mixture of techniques including passive movement of your body by folding, twisting, tractioning and stretching your body in a safe manner.
Miranda is currently the only practitioner in the clinic that offers this service, and she is typically booked a month in advance, so she recommends you book in advance if you want to try it for yourself! The results that are felt can be hard to describe, you just have to try it once to see for yourself, but expect to feel relaxed and stretched out.
Leave your Thai massage treatment feeling flexible, lighter, mobile, and lengthened. People will often comment that they feel taller, or that it feels like their spine has been stretched. Check out our Thai massage page for an authentic video demonstration of what you could experience!